Niqab wearing poison dart spitters
I'd hate to be a minority in Quebec, with all the fuss they are making about the twenty women in the province who wear the niqab. On second thought I probably would be a minority in Quebec.
Anyway, the RCMP in Quebec and the Montreal police force, as well as other forces across Canada. have now vowed that the niqab will be removed before taking any any mug shots.
Well thank god for that and I mean Jesus' dad here.
Hey you never know, they could have poison darts in their mouthes and then quickly lift that veil and spit them out at you, right into your eyes. You'd never know what hit you.
This is my third post about niqab wearing women in a month. I think I am getting infatuated.
As reported by Canadian Press via CNEWS
Becoming an elderly, fit, lower-body-muscled, poison-dart-aiming granny would be MASSIVELY awesome. Even if wearing a niqab was part of the deal, since women become invisible anyway whey they're old, regardless of ethnic origin.
The baladi and veils would be a nice touch, though.