Perils of shopping online

Thought I'd try that new millennial thing this year. You know that online shopping thing using your computer, that the kids are all into today. Saved a ton of time, however there were a few drawbacks. On boxing Day I had to spend a half an hour with my eleven year old granddaughter explaining how Trump called Clinton nasty in the second debate and this girl in Kentucky wrote a slam poem about it and then Ashley Judd an old actress heard it and performed it at the women's mar ch following Trump's inauguration and that the word Nasty on the black tank top I bought her from the Young Turks web store was actually a positive thing, in fact a shield for women to protect themselves from the assholes of the world. Next year I'll try not to do my online shopping at three in the morning after a joint and couple single malts. Other than that it's been a pretty good Christmas season. Hope you are having a good time too.