The Conservative War Room for Hire has been reassigned

Apparently the Conservative War Room for Hire has been reassigned from pushing the #LAVSCAM bullshit to putting out a self inflicted fire caused by Chuckles, welcoming the Yellow Jacketed racists from Alberta to Parliament Hill. The Conservative's close relationship with White Nationalism has been a smouldering fire for many, many years.

Similarly to the effect of Climate Change on the world's remaining forests, where a smouldering under brush fire can quickly change into a full apocalyptic, inferno, the New Zealand white nationalist's attack on Muslims can wake up Canadians to our own White Nationalism problem.

Of course the way the Conservative party will go after White Nationalism will be to set their attack dog on Maxime Bernier and his People's Party of Canada.

After all conservative voters in Canada should have a choice between which type of racists they want to follow.


Let it all out, Willy. I went to Wikipedia to update my info on Maxime. One entry mentioned notables who had written favourably about Bernier. Guess who? Or should that be guess whom? (under the entry "Backbench")
Willy said…
Of course Kinsella was praising Bernier from one side of his mouth. It must of been an even numbered day.
rumleyfips said…
Kinsellout has taken to defending " thoughts and prayers". Considering that this phrase is a white power - racist dog whistle used by Trump, the GOP and Sheer-idiocy Wornout seems to have abandoned his anti-hate mantle.
Willy said…
Yeah, I read Kinsella's post today also. With Kinsella you always have to consider who he is working at that particular time.

He's just throwing cover for Chuckles's pathetic tweets about the Muslim deaths in NZ and the backlash from Coyne and other con journos that are appalled by the scheer ignorance of these racists.

As for "Wornout seems to have abandoned his anti-hate mantle", Kinsella is just trying to use his self proclaimed reputation as a racist fighter to go after Bernier, of course all in the service of Chuckles, his client.

It's the same bullshit he uses by posing as a progressive on Progressive Bloggers, while running ads for Chuckles and Ford during the last Federal and provincial elections.
Well, this was March and now, as October draws to a close, we know you were right on the money about the Fenian. You nailed it and long before anyone else did.

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