As always with the best of belated intentions

My seventy nine year old aunt died this weekend and I went to her visitation yesterday. She married at eighteen and remained so for sixty one years. My eighty seven year old uncle stood beside her for two and half hours telling all who were not afraid to look at a person in a coffin, how she peacefully passed away. 
Her children seemed almost afraid to enter the room and being worried about their father wanted him to circulate and speak with the other friends and family who had gathered in the various seating areas, but he wouldn’t leave her side.
He didn’t want her to be alone.
I could of and should of told him that I would stay with her until he returned, he would of let me, I am that persuasive, but I didn’t and I feel like an asshole.
Obviously not a big deal in the scheme of worldly events, but at some point in my life I need to start acting with compassion instead of just pontificating compassionate intentions.


Beijing York said…
I'm so sorry - for your loss and your missed opportunity.

At least you understood how your uncle felt, at a loss to leave her alone. Too many people are blind or dismissive of such profound love for another.

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