An analysis of hubris
According to Freud: When the subconscious Id overpowers or corrupts the ideology of the moralistic and preconscious Superego, the conscious, free floating EGO has no choice but to become a mirror to the subconscious mind.
Raised as the first child of a well off oil executive, the boy king excelled scholastically through his early teens. The earliest rebellion although muted, took place when he left university, headed west and got a junior position with his father's firm.
Returning to university in Calgary a metamorphosis took place, with the indoctrination into the emerging western elitism and the introduction of a supremacist christian faith, producing a singularly purposed ideology.
However over time the stronger Boy King complex of the Id reemerged and corrupted the new formed ideology of the superego producing what could be considered a self deity complex resulting in the hubris and arrogance we witness today.
That would be all for today, Mr. Harper, your time is up.
h/t Michelangelo, Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres and Sigmund Freud
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