
Showing posts from September, 2010

Dear Mississauga Erindale Voters

Bob Dechert our Conservative MP does not represent you, he is a sycophant politician who only represents himself. Not only has Bob just voted in favor of destroying the gun registry, but Bob will not even respond to anyone whom he assumes, disagrees with his political party’s ideology.  The vote on the long gun registry was, and I will type this with as much decorum as I can muster, supposedly a free vote. A vote that was not a government confidence vote, but a vote where each MP, regardless of party affiliation, could vote either by their personal conscience, or based on their personal understanding of the desires of the majority of their constituents, at least according to our Prime Minister and his party’s leader. However, Bob along with every other Harper conservative voted to destroy the long gun registry, despite the fact that the Peel Region police force, our police force, relies, everyday day on the long gun registry to protect themselves and us the citizenry of Erin Mil...

Happy birthday to me

While making a rare purchase today of a bottle of Dalwhinnie, my favorite single malt and a bottle of wine for the boss, I noticed that the neighborhood is being overridden by bikers. Spandex clad, matching helmeted, lance-like bikers. I winced in horror as I hallucinated about my hemorrhaging, hemorrhoid, being hammered against the saddle. Had a bike once, when I was a kid, but spandex and hemorrhoids don’t mix. A clash of ages, I guess.  At 62 I have now lived longer than any of my male ancestors and as my feisty father used to say, if you can’t beat them at least give them the finger.

An analysis of hubris

According to Freud: When the subconscious Id overpowers or corrupts the ideology of the moralistic and preconscious Superego, the conscious, free floating EGO has no choice but to become a mirror to the subconscious mind. Raised as the first child of a well off oil executive, the boy king excelled scholastically through his early teens. The earliest rebellion although muted, took place when he left university, headed west and got a junior position with his father's firm. Returning to university in Calgary a metamorphosis took place, with the indoctrination into the emerging western elitism and the introduction of a supremacist christian faith, producing a singularly purposed ideology. However over time the stronger Boy King complex of the Id reemerged and corrupted the new formed ideology of the superego producing what could be considered a self deity complex resulting in the hubris and arrogance we witness today. That would be all for today, Mr. Harper, your time is up. ...

We don’t drink no lattes in Muskogee

Gawd I miss living in rural Nepean. I live in Mississauga now and since it is my birthday on Sunday I had to get the sticker for my Jeep. Again this year.  Now the government knows what vehicle I am driving, who I am insured with and what my policy number is. Damn you, Toronto elites. Back in rural Nepean, I didn’t worry about no damn stickers. I would just throw on my jeans each morning, walk out to bern and then on the weekend, Daisy Mae would throw the young-ins in the back of the truck and we would head into town to get vittles.  Hell, Lou the local cop would pull up next to us at Tims, while I was getting my double, double and he wouldn’t care bout my sticker. How’s the crop doing Willy, glad to see the Bronco is still running, that would be it. Damn you, you Toronto elites.

My source in the Prime Ministers office tells me

Maybe now, with the departure of Korry and the size of the Avaaz petition, the remaining sycophants who quote the PMO every night might start acting like reporters instead of providing a pipeline for the politburo's propaganda. Here is a hint when your source at the PMO tells you something, even in confidence, it is not news, it is propaganda. Are you paying attention Mr. Fife? Willy

Raped on our watch

Something a bit different this time. Normally FFIB tries to fill the whole page with small nonsensical characterizations that often express sub plots, even though he is the only one that can recognize them. However in FFIB's words: With Raped I was trying to express the abuse we all have allowed to happen to the land that we should be protecting. I was going to add the ( faces of ) hack regional politicians who are selling their souls for a commission and the prime huckster who is shilling for the corporate greed, but in reality we are all responsible in some part for the abuse that has taken place. Hence no characterizations of our greedy corporate overloads, just personal shame,  and regret. All righty then, have a happy long weekend! To see more FFIBS go here