Well why the hell not

Not only did Harper convince the governor general to give him a do over today and therefore weaken our democracy for years to come, he also won an award from the Conference of Presidents (of Major American Jewish Organizations).

Now please make sure you are sitting...

The award their first ever International Leadership Award .

But wait it gets better...

Here’s Harpers acceptance quote:
Canada stands with Israel, and will stand with any nation willing to put its trust in its people and follow the principles of freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law.
That’s it for me. I'm taking the cynic's advice and drinking scotch for the rest of night.



Beijing York said…
I don't have scotch handy but I will drink some wine, and drown my sorrows with you.

What a shameful day. Harper's acceptance quote is rich, especially after setting a precedent that can be referred to and used the world over by any leader in a parliamentary democracy who wants to evade scrutiny.

Job well done Harper. Hope your kids have tough skins because the derision Ben Mulroney has felt as an adult will be nothing compared to what your kids will suffer. Worst PM in the history of Canada.

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