Ritz is just the fall guy. Its Harpers ideology that is the threat.

As expertly pointed out here and here Gerry Ritz became the PMO’s appointed and unprepared dupe to act as the front man and now it seems the fall guy for the Listeria outbreak.

But the points to remember are

The Tories planned their deregulation schemes back in November but decided it would be best not to tell us.

In March they implemented the new plan at Maple Leaf and other plants (we still don’t know how many others).

The new Tory deregulation plan had the inspectors focus on processes used and reports prepared as opposed to doing actual tests on the cutting floor.

A new plan that had the inspector at Maple Leaf be responsible for six other locations.

The union released confidential documents in July exposing the changes to food inspection and the outbreak was discovered in August.

Then we have learned that the safety inspections of other industries have also been deregulated.

Although Gerry Ritz our Agriculture Minister might be totally inept, as most of Harpers minister’s are, it is Harper that should be held accountable here.

It was Harper’s secretly implemented deregulation, of food inspection for that allowed the Listeria to go undetected on the cutting blades at Maple Leaf.

It is Harpers’s withdrawal of funding for Mad Cow (BSE) testing that continues to threaten our food supply.

It’s Harpers deregulation of air craft inspections that threatens air safety.

It’s Harper’s deregulation for deregulation sake ideology that threatens our country.

It is Harper's ideology that is responsible for 19 deaths.


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