The Tory Green Shift Plan

It appears that Elections Canada has sworn testimony which of course we don’t get to hear, that the Tories did a little more than the old in and out.
A former financial officer for the party confirmed last month in a court examination that expenses incurred by Public Works Minister Christian Paradis and former Foreign Affairs Minister Maxime Bernier were assigned to other candidates.
Basically their two star candidates in Quebec (at least at the time) spent over the legal limits in the last election and the party shifted their expenses to other candidates who hadn’t spent theirs.
NDP MP Pat Martin, a member of the ethics committee, said if the party did shift expenses from Bernier and Paradis to other candidates it would add an entirely new dimension to the controversy.
The controversy in this case is about cheating Election Canada out of our funds.

The Tories filed fraudulent expense claims.
The over spending would not of made a difference in the outcome of the election, at least not in Bernier’s riding. He ended with 67% of the vote against the second place Bloc candidate. With Paradis it was a little closer. He won by only 6,000 votes over Marc Boulianne, the Bloc candidate.
Of course by this afternoon the Tory apologists, (that would be Korny, since he is the only one working for the rest of the month) will remind us of that and tell us that all parties do this and hey it isn’t as bad as what the Liberals did.
I'm an old salesman and handing in false expense claims is what the arrogant youngsters try to get away with in my profession. You only fire them, if they remain arrogant about it and don't admit that they did it. It becomes more a matter of trust and a lack of respect.
And that is what it this is all about. 
The Tories put in false expense claims simply because they thought they could away with it and they continue to deny that they broke the rules and even attack the individual they put in place to administer those rules.
It's not just about the money Steve, it is the arrogant lack of respect towards our institutions and it is becoming a matter of trust for more of us.

Reference CNEWS here.


bigcitylib said…
Now thats a clever title!

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