Counties of Leeds and Grenville decides to pick a fight over a flag

An ex-serviceman, refuses to take down the Canadian flag on his balcony in a subsidized housing unit in Cardinal, Ont., even though the local housing authority is threatening to evict him.I guess common sense isn't running rampant through their Community and Social Services Department. Their next committee meeting is scheduled for September, you can make a submission here.
He was given the flag by his local branch of the Royal Canadian Legion last year, and he has flown it ever since.
"I got a phone call here from Sean Wilson. He's the brother of Mark Wilson who was killed in action in Kandahar on Oct. 7, 2006, and he sent me a message here asking me not to take down my flag — to leave it up.
"I don't have the heart to take it down … I can't do it now," he said.
He was told the flag violates a rule requiring all subsidized properties to have a uniform appearance.
The director of community and social services, Dorothy Theobald, told CBC News Monday that her department is trying to work with Murray, but, she said, the flag can't stay.
We can't have the apartments looking different, they are subsidized after all. Next thing you know they will be putting flower boxes on their balconies and the place will start looking like a community.