At least you get kissed
When my dad got into arguments and sometimes fist fights with passengers on his bus, the bosses at the TTC would try to suspend him. The union would back my dad and the TTC would back off. My dad was a union man, a bit feisty and always voted for the NDP.
“The Conservatives worked for the companies”, he would say. “The people always get screwed when the Conservatives are in power.” The Liberals in his opinion were sneaky. They worked for the bosses too, but they always gave you something before they would show their true colours. He’d say ‘if the Liberals are in, at least you’ll get kissed before you get fucked”.
I can finally smoke pot, legally in Canada. Thank you Justin.
Hi Gyor. In hindsight you could say that, but I always thought of him as a typical dipper. :)