Quebec la bellicose province

With a niqab ban, anti-immigrant rallies and now a gun registry protest, the next thing you know Quebecers will start wearing cowboy hats and demanding that the rest of us will have to start kissing their asses. A Quebec pro gun group was planning a rally to protest against the Quebec gun registry laws at the park commemorating the victims of the Polytechnique Montreal massacre, our worst mass shooting when fourteen female students were killed because they were women on December 6, 1989. The group called Tous contre un registre Quebecois des armes a feu (All against a Quebec registry) was planning their rally in the park, two days before the 28th anniversary because it is a controversial location and it will get attention, according to a spokesperson Guy Morin. Well it got a lot of attention, all negative and as of this evening they have changed their plans. Look Guy, i get that you want attention to your cause but you might consider changing the name of your ...