Stay away from the brown acid
Wow ever since the wave l'orange hit the belle province ( my high school French always fails me ) it has been looney tunes around these parts. We've seen posts where some young lib bloggers have turned into blogging torries in their attacks on the ndp and some young dipper bloggers have been predicting a NDP majority with daily updates on the number of seats. Even some of the old pros, the presumably nonpartisan scribes, since they are not carrying party flags, the guys I turn to when I'm looking for the voice of reason and the wisdom of experience, are not escaping unscathed. Some of these bards of progressive poetic justice, the backbone of the joint, have turned into rabid dippers, rapidly knee jerking out responses to imagined Jack attacks. Eventual Mea culpa aside, it is quite disparaging for someone who doesn't care if Jack, or Iggy get the nod, just as long as Harper is gone.