If he looks like a cop and acts like a cop

Yeah I'll join in on this one. Who is this man? Watch the video again, he is either the politest anarchist I've ever seen, stepping back when the tall dude in the white shirt asks him to stop tipping the car over or a cop that was told not to get into any provocations with the citizenry. I mean it wouldn't look good to assault a citizen that was trying to actually uphold the law. Besides the guy's jeans look brand new and check out the other guy with the scarf and Walmart hat on backwards that stepped in to help him try to turn over the car. He also poliely stepped back when asked to by the tall dude, in fact too far back. Not even a fuck you. The part that bothers me most about this video, is the asshole's grin. not the grin of someone who thinks they have stuck it to the man, but a grin that reeks of hey I fooled you hippie protestors. The guy is either a redneck asshole or a redneck asshole cop. If you know who he is, call crime stoppers or better yet ...