Life in a Banana State

Reading the notice of appeal below that was filed this week by the Public Prosecution Service of Canada, one might assume that this federal agency is questioning the somewhat lenient sentence that Sona received with his misleading “robo calls”. Ottawa – December 15, 2014 – Today, in the Ontario Court of Appeal, the Public Prosecution Service of Canada filed a Notice of Appeal against sentence, in R. v. Sona. The Notice of Appeal was filed on the basis that the sentence imposed by the trial judge is demonstrably unfit and fails to reflect the gravity of the offence. Mr. Sona was charged on April 2, 2013, with wilfully preventing or endeavouring to prevent an elector, in Guelph, from voting in the 2011 federal general election, contrary to section 281(g) of the Canada Elections Act. This resulted in Mr. Sona committing an offence contrary to section 491(3)(d) of the Act. Mr. Sona was found guilty on August 14, 2014 and sentenced on November 19, 2014 to nine months in pr...