Let me get this straight
We are being asked to believe that the same Harper who had our public servants roaming Canada counting and then reporting to him, on a weekly basis, the number of Economic Action Plan signs that were in place in preparation for the election, did not check to see if the voter suppression tactics were in place for the targeted ridings. He might not have known exactly what time in the night, Mrs. Shirley Johnson in Mississauga was to receive the annoying call from a conservative pretending to be a Liberal supporter or the exact phony location that Liberal supporters were being sent to in Sudbury, but he sure as hell knew that both tactics would be used. Hell, when you hire the services of American voter suppression specialists, it is like ordering from a Chinese menu: 75,000 misdirection calls, 140,000 annoying late night calls, 75,000 Sabbath calls….. Oh would you like ballot box stuffing with that order?